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Does God keep secrets from us?

Scripture tells us that God will tell us what we need to hear, so why is it hard for us to listen to Him?

Please join me in watching the above short video by Dr. Charles Stanley and let me know how the sermon has inspired you to pray more?

Dr. Charles Stanley assures us that God will not keep a secret from us when we choose to do right and live our lives in obedience to Him. Do you want to do right by God and receive all that He has for you in His will? If you answered yes, I challenge you today to pray to God and ask Him to make His will and destiny for your life clear to you. #PrayerHelps

Once you take that easy step, also remind Him of His word in Jeremiah 33:3. Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." God will never deny us His will when our intentions are good, and we want to live right. Today, take a stand and trust God to make His will for your life clear. Call to Him! I guarantee you that He will answer, and you will feel a sense of peace come over you with the assurance that He will show you which path to take. #PrayerHelps

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-John 3:16 (NKJV)


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