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Forgive those who SIN against you and your Heavenly Father will forgive YOU!

Do you wish them well? How bad does it hurt? Should they reap what they sow?

Please watch these two videos about forgiveness: Forgiveness part One Forgiveness part Two

Now, that you've watched the two videos about forgiveness, what do you think? Do you hope to be able to forgive willingly?

I strongly suggest you give your concerns to God, surrender yourself to Him, and ask Him to help you forgive those who've hurt you. Forgiveness isn't for the abuser, the attacker, or the person who's hurt you in the past, or even continues to hurt you. Forgiveness is for you. Forgiving those who've hurt you will give you peace and set you free.

Take a deep breath with me. Inhale... Exhale... Now repeat after me:

I will forgive. I am forgiven; therefore, forgiveness will forever live in me. No one has control over my life, heart, destiny, or happiness except the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Forgiveness will come easy to me. I forgive everyone that has and will hurt me. God forgives me and I forgive them. #PrayerHelps #Forgiveness

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Have an amazing day and remember, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

-John 3:16 (NKJV)


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